Crowns Specialist

Allen & Schwarz Dental

Prosthodontists & General and Cosmetic Dentistry located on Central Park South, Manhattan, NY

Crowns are durable caps that cover the entire surface of a damaged tooth. Often, a crown can make the difference between needing an extraction and keeping your natural tooth intact. At Allen and Schwarz Dental in Central Park South, New York, a friendly team of expert dentists is here to help with custom crowns that look and work just like natural teeth. Book your appointment online or by phone now.

Crowns Q & A

What are crowns?

Crowns are sturdy tooth covers that protect your natural tooth after it's damaged. Most crowns are made from porcelain, which is naturally light in color and easily matchable to your natural tooth color. Crowns are extremely durable and can last for as much as 15-20 years with proper care.

When do I need a tooth crown?

Your dentist at Allen and Schwarz Dental may recommend a crown in situations like:

  • Following a root canal
  • When your tooth needs a large filling
  • Broken or fractured tooth
  • Broken filling
  • Significantly worn-down tooth

Crowns are sometimes used for cosmetic purposes, too. If you want to enhance the appearance of front teeth, veneers are usually the first choice since they cover only the visible part (the front) of the tooth. But, crowns can be a perfect choice for the other teeth that also need full-tooth protection along with a cosmetic restoration.

How long does it take to get a crown?

Usually, you need two visits about two weeks apart to Allen and Schwarz Dental to get your custom crown. At the first appointment, your dentist takes digital X-rays and makes an impression of the affected tooth. They'll prepare your tooth by roughening the surface slightly before placing a temporary crown for you to wear over the next couple of weeks.

At your second appointment, your dentist removes the temporary crown and then uses dental cement to bond the new permanent crown into place. Once you have the permanent crown, your restoration is finished and you can use the tooth confidently again.

Is tooth extraction or a crown better?

In virtually all cases, dental experts recommend preserving your natural tooth whenever possible. If you get a tooth extraction instead, you're likely going to need more dental work in the future.

When there's a gap between teeth, some shifting is typical. This can damage tooth roots and cause other tooth loss over time if the gap isn't filled. That's why you'll likely need a dental implant, bridge, or denture after a tooth extraction. This additional dental work is more time-consuming and costly than a crown would be.

A crown looks and feels like your natural tooth, but better. Use online scheduling or call Allen and Schwarz Dental to book your appointment today.